A complete guideline for the preparation of govt jobs in the power sector in Bangladesh is given. The main difficulty is the messed syllabus for the job examinations.
How to get prepared for govt jobs in the power sector
For an electrical or EEE engineer, You should study the below books and notes to get govt jobs in the power sector in Bangladesh.
You can get prepared basically in two ways. You may follow the starting point and then solve the previous year’s questions or you can solve the previous year’s questions and then start with the starting point (Recommended).
The star(*) mark represents the importance of these chapters. You must follow the entire books and chapters.
Starting Point
Electrical Circuit:
- Alexander Sadiku- Chapter-1, 2, 3, 4*, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14(Series Resonance & Parallel Resonance). Examples maths
- Both for Boylestad and Sedra Smith- Diode, MOSFET, BJT
- Alexander Sadiku- Operational Amplifier: Chapter 5 only
- Morris Manu (DLD)- NAND and NOR implementation- Chapter 3;
Basic gate construction from Universal gate; Logic circuit design from the equation; Logic diagram & Truth table of SR, D, JK, T flip flop- Chapter 6 - You can follow Mukul Sikder’s note for the electronics part for well prepared.
Electrical Machine:
- Stephen J. Chapman- Chapter 2,5,6,7 & 9 examples with lessons
- B. L. Thereja(V-2)- Chapter 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37 & 38 examples only (exclude long math)
- Charles I. Hubert- Chapter- Transformer Principle
Power System:
- Stevenson- 6, 11*, Basically all chapters
- Hadi Saadat– Important chapters
- V. K. Mehta- 3, 6,8, 10,11,16(T), 17, 18, 19, 20,21(T), 22,23(T),24(T), 25(T); T= Theory, You also read theory for viva & MCQ test
- You can follow Mukul Sikder’s note for solving per unit calculation & Y-bus matrix
- You can follow Rony Parvej’s notes (or Engr. Rafiqul Islam Rony’s sheets or Ismail Hossain’s notes)
- B. P. Lathi- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Control System:
- You can follow Rony Parvej’s notes (or Mukul Sikder’s notes or Engr. Rafiqul Islam Rony’s sheets)
- Norman Nice- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Analytical Math:
- Mentors’ IBA Math Question Bank
- Saifur’s MBA Math
Bangla, English, General Knowledge:
- Bangla grammar book for classes 9-10
- English for Competitive Exams – Appropriate preposition, Analogy, Synonym, Antonym, Phrases, and Idioms, Voice, Proverb, etc
- BCS Question Bank
- Professor’s Recent Job Solution
- For the General Knowledge part, exclude birthdays, death days, and time & agreements for short preparation.
- Read MP3 series (If possible)
Question Bank:
- Previous year question banks of Engr. Rafiqul Islam Rony (or Mukul Sikder or Rony Parvej)
After completing these books, you may need the latest government jobs in the power sector of Bangladesh.
Don’t be hesitated, please follow the books spontaniously. Best of luck.
Download this folder to get the entire pdf files for the books and notes.